Monday, November 07, 2011

Quick trip to Boise

Enjoying some Lily Jane cupcakes!
Ice cream from Goody's
Yes, that is a pumpkin cannon! How cool is that?
Kids on the lookout in the middle of the maze
Getting lost in the corn maze!
The gang before we started
Tracie and Shane
Taylor on the biggest trike ever!
A visit with Grandma Wright on the way down to Boise

It seems as though all the trips we take to Boise are really quick and are over much too fast! But if we waited for a week to go, well, that would never happen! We packed so much into just a few days and we loved every minute of it! We were here around the same time last year and we got the chance to go through another cool corn maze! Love the Farmstead! This years was pretty hard and we had to stop a few times to get our bearings. I say "we" but it was Aaron that kept us on the right path! We would still be in the maze if I were leading! We also went running, out to dinner at a really good "Basque" place in downtown Boise (yummy!), visited Goody's malt shop (brought back many childhood memories!), visited our favorite "Lily Jane Cupcakes" and basically ate the entire time! Yes, food is a big deal when we visit! Tracie and Jeff also taught us Texas Hold-em! Loved learning that! Now we want our own set of chips! (We didn't play for real money, but it was fun to pretend:)! Tracie and I also found a few minutes to hang some things in her laundry rooms! So fun! Thank you guys for a wonderful time! We love you and miss you!

1 comment:

. said...

Looks like a fun trip! Your kids are growing up too fast and it seems like I haven't seen Aaron in ages.

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